A collection of fun quizzes about bees, queens, drones and beekeepers.
What Bee Are You?
When choosing that special friend, how uncompromising are you?

What Bee Is This?
This bee can fly several miles looking for nectar and pollen to bring back to the hive for later use.

What is that large bee in the middle?

How about this bee (in the middle)?

This is a large and fuzzy bee, with bright bands of yellow, black or red.

This insect builds nests near homes and produce no honey. It can inflict some painful stings.

This bee is the king of pollinators and is a native north American bee.

6 Tips to Avoid Bee Stings
Don't walk barefoot

Walking barefoot is great for the beach, but not on the grass, when bees are around. If ou step on a bee, it will sting you to defend itself.
Don't wear perfume

Bees are very good at sensing scents. If you smell like a flower, they will want to check you out!
Cover your hair

Bees trapped in hair cause panic in both the bee and the hair owner. Make sure to cover your hair when checking the bees.
Stay still

You may not feel like it, but staying calm when bees check you out is one of the best ways to avoid getting stung.
Move slowly, let them realize you are not a threat (or a flower), and they will leave you alone.
Tight clothes are better

Bees can get trapped by loose clothes, and will end up stinging if they can't get out or if you squash them against your skin. Wear tight cuffs, keep shirts tucked in. Better yet, wear a bee suit when around bees.
Wear boring colors around bees

Colorful, flowery clothes look great, but they attract the bees. If you want them to leave you alone, don't dress in clothes that make you look like a bunch of flowers.